推薦的資源共 9 筆,這是第 1 頁

101年國小英語教學影片-Reading Land(Ⅲ)Daily Routine

Blue Fairy和Pink Fairy想約朋友們一起喝下午茶,但是大家都好忙喔!下午茶約不成,不如找故事裡的動物一起吃晚餐好了,但是為了慶祝春天,動物們好像要自己舉辦派對,兔子想把大家湊在一起,卻也發生了相同的狀況,有人要睡覺,有人要洗澡,有人要慢跑,還有人趕著去學校,究竟是誰有時間可以參加派對呢?


My Week

Days of the week, My week, e-book


My day

My day, e-book, time, daily routines


Time for School Lesson

This lesson focuses on telling time in English.


Telling Time & Daily Routines Words & Sentences

During this lesson, we’ll use the frequency adverb ‘usually’ to talk about things that we do routinely or regularly.


Days of the week and weekly routines

The students already learned the word ‘usually’ as an adverb of frequency. This lesson adds in ‘sometimes’ and ‘never’ to talk about frequency.


Days of the week ESL Lesson

In this lesson, viewers will learn the English names for Days of the Week, and will learn about different activities that go on during the week.


英語Daily Talk

1.英語學習融入生活的劇情中,能夠引起共鳴,學習內容具體,容易吸收消化。 2.英語教學結合學生情境劇的演出,相當精采。


Picture book-

The picture book, "I can" used many vivid pictures and simple sentences to demonstrate the usage of action verbs such as "swim", "talk", and "climb". It is bery meaningful to tell students how to use ...
