When I Touch My Stomach, It Hurts
現今飲食種類多樣化,而各式各樣的速食產品也充斥我們的社會。因為攝取過多垃圾食物,常造成學生體重過重;也有些學生因偏食,營養攝取嚴重不足。本教案以南一版八年級第三課Reading,搭配有趣的繪本”Burger Boy”,教導孩子均衡飲食的重要。
這是一位好心的讀者提供給我的, 我覺的十分地有用, 所以決定把它分享給大家. 通常你去看病時, 醫院會要你填一份如下面的病歷表, 很多人平常簡單的英文都不會了, 更不用說這些醫學名詞了. 我把所有的英文都加上中文解釋, 各位可以對照著查詢
聽話的病人 Patient: It's been two weeks since my last visit and I still don't feel any better. Doctor: I don't understand it. Did you follow the instructions on the pills I gave you? Patient...
常 用 語:Take care. Watch out! 文法句型:A: How do you feel now? B: I feel better. 字 詞:feel, lucky, sick, just, fine, tomorrow, right
Learn MEDICAL Vocabulary in English
Not sure what the difference is between sick and injured? This lesson will introduce you to some basic medical terms you need to know, like wound, cure, heal, disease, and more. These terms will help...
Talking about being sick – English health vocabulary
When youre sick, its important to know how to describe how you feel. This vocabulary lesson will help you to talk about sickness and bodily pain! I cover the following words: headache, faint, earache,...
Speaking English – Talking about pains and aches
Learn how to talk about different types of aches in this painless English lesson for beginners.
從你的說話方式及寫出來的文字之中就可以預測出你未來的精神狀態嗎?甚至是病發精神錯亂呢?在這場精彩的演講中,神經學家馬理阿諾.西格曼(Mariano Sigman),透過古希臘書籍及對內省來源的分析,他發現到我們的話語中可以反映出我們的內心世界,並講解他如何用文字地圖的演算法,預測精神分裂症的發展。「未來我們也許可以看到一個全然不同的心理健康模式」,西格曼如是說,「而且是基於一種客觀、量化的方式來自...