推薦的資源共 31 筆,這是第 1 頁

Find the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae | EarthSky.org

Take a dip in the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae on these September evenings, especially if you're in a place where you can see the starlit band of the Milky Way.'


Alpha Cephei is a rapidly rotating star | EarthSky.org

Cepheus the King is not a very conspicuous constellation and has only one relatively bright star, Alderamin - aka Alpha Cephei. This star rotates rapidly!


VOA coral reefs threatened

The world's coral reefs are increasingly being threatened, mostly because of human activities. '


Going Green Life ~做好資源回收,創造綠色生活~

近日環保議題越來越趨熱門,許多的氣候怪象出現,不斷的提醒我們該要好好保護Mother Earth,否則不但沒辦法留下淨土給後代子孫,連我們也似乎開始受到影響,藉由"Go Green Life"的綠色生活概念,希望可以教導學生愛護地球的方法,並提醒學生環保的重要性!


【TED】 Topher White: What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone



English Vocabulary: Talking about BUGS and INSECTS

This is a simple vocabulary lesson in which you will learn about different bugs and insects. In addition to the names of the insects, you will also learn about some of their actions and physical trait...


English Vocabulary: In the GARDEN

I love to grow plants and flowers! If you do too, watch this lesson for some useful gardening vocabulary. You will discover new words such as soil, trowel, seeds, and youll also learn the difference b...


能源科技教育融入英語教學Resource Recycling

配合南一版第5冊第8課 100年中小學能源科技教育推動種子教師教案設計比賽


Resource Recycling Is Useful

配合南一版第5冊第8課 100年中小學能源科技教育推動種子教師教案設計比賽



