(8)絕對值的介紹_【觀念】國一上1-1_by Live數學_名師葛倫
Live免費線上示範教學 國中數學第一冊 §第一章_整數的運算 ※1-1 負數與數線 【觀念】(8)絕對值的介紹 【Live數位國中數學】發行 名師『葛倫(Galen)』錄製 更多更棒的內容請至Live數位國中數學網站 http://liveism.com
Intro to absolute value equations and graphs
Sal introduces absolute value equations (like |x-5|=10) and graphs of absolute value functions (like y=|x+3|).
來源網站:Khan Academy
Absolute value and number lines
One easy way to think of absolute value is the distance it is from zero. To do that, a number line comes in handy. Watch and learn.
來源網站:Khan Academy
Absolute value smallest to biggest
Not only will we identify several absolute values in this example, but we will order them from smallest to largest. Content provided by The NROC Project - ©Monterey Institute for Technology and Educat...
來源網站:Khan Academy